How you process and evaluate the meaning of each event in your life depends on your beliefs and how you view this incredible world we live in! I want you to answer these questions to yourself. Does it feel like life happening to you or for you? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, the things you want are always out of reach? Does life seem to throw curveball after curveball and does it seem to happen by random chance?
Have you ever wondered how things in your life just seem to happen? Life is a series of events, like a reel in a movie that keeps playing, and you are the main character who has not read the script! As you wind on down this road, things happen and you are forced to grow as an individual.
Now stop for a moment and pause…If you answered that life happens to you randomly, and no matter how hard you try you will never get the things you want, then that is depressing. Our beliefs shape our reality and if you believe that everything happens by random chance then your day-to-day life will be filled with chaos and difficulties.
However, if you believe that life happens for you, then you start to see how intricately connected our world is. If you allow yourself to open your senses and become connected to your surroundings, then you can start to tap into and get in contact with the incredible intelligence that runs and governs the entire universe. In Chiropractic, we call this Universal Intelligence and the first principle in Chiropractic philosophy states that, “A universal intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.” Many people refer to this as GOD or the Grand Organizing Design.
Now I am not trying to force religion on anyone. I am just asking you to consider the lens in which you view your life. If you could have a 30,000-foot view of your life, perhaps you could start to see the grandiosity in which this intelligent design plays out on a daily basis. I believe, that everything in our lives happen for a reason. But, we don’t always know what that reason is. Maybe you smiled and said hello to someone, who was having a hard day, and it brightened their spirits. Or maybe you planted a tree, that one day will be used to build a build a crib that will keep a baby safe. You never know how far reaching, something you think, say or do will affect the lives of those tomorrow.
Try to see each moment as an opportunity to do good and bless the lives of others. Every day will not be a walk in the park, but on those hard days, try to find gratitude and see the silver lining. Even that ‘accidental’slip and fall on ice that caused you to be laid up, was likely part of this intelligent design. Perhaps it forced you to stay home and were able to spend more time with your family because you had been too busy recently. See each event in your life is an opportunity to learn something new so you can be a better version of yourself. If the same kind of troubles thing keeps showing up in your life over and over again, you are not learning the lesson!
I hope that this coming year, you choose to believe that life is not just happening to you. I hope that you take an active role in showing up the best you can each day and try to lead others to do the same! Perhaps one of these days you will get lucky and all your dreams will come true, but just remember luck is a product of design and happens to those who keep showing up and doing the work. So do yourself a favour and keep working on yourself and then watch in awe as life starts to bloom right before your eyes.
Happy New Year, here’s to an incredible year ahead.
Dr. Thom
1 thought on “Life Happens for You”
Your messages are always on point. I recently read another message that spoke about people trying to find spirituality. However, we are all spiritual beings seeking a human experience. ❤️