According to recent studies,
women receiving Chiropractic care:

  • have less pain during pregnancy and are more comfortable during the third trimester and delivery
  • have a reduced need for analgesics (pain medication) and report relief of back pain during pregnancy with Chiropractic care
  • have significantly less likelihood of back labour (contractions and sharp pain felt in the lower back during labour)
  • are more comfortable breastfeeding (posture-wise)
  • post-partum, helps the woman’s body deal with the added stresses that occur as they care for their baby

But is it safe to see a Chiropractor during pregnancy?

Absolutely. Both of our Doctors are trained in the Webster Technique (a pregnancy specific technique) to ensure that your care is both safe and effective. We use custom pregnancy pillows that allow you to lay down on your belly comfortably, allowing you to be assessed and cared for.

Pregnancy Care With Us at Elmira Family Chiropractic
Pregnancy Care at Elmira Family Chiropractic

webster technique

The Webster technique, is a technique used throughout pregnancy, as a specific analysis and adjustment, to correct the effects of neuromuscular imbalance within the pelvis. It uses gentle adjustments to the sacrum and soft tissue release on the round ligament to help improve function of the pelvis and take tension off the uterus.

By balancing the nervous system through specific and gentle adjustments, it gives women the best chance at having a safe, healthy and natural birth. Failure to progress has become an increasingly popular phrase to describe ineffectual labour which is directly related to the power of the uterus, passage through the pelvis and the position of the passenger. Chiropractic care during pregnancy has many benefits including keeping your body moving well, minimizing discomfort, and optimizing your body for the birth process and your postpartum recovery.

Both Dr. Sarah and Dr. Thom have completed over 200+ additional hours in the care of pregnant women and children. They are both certified in Webster technique and completed Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).


  1. Anrig C, Plaugher G. Pediatric Chiropractic. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2013.
  2. Cunningham F, Leveno K, Bloom S, Spong C, Dashe J, Hoffman B, Casey B, Sheffield J. Williams Obstetrics (24th Edition). United States: McGraw Hill; 2014.
  3. Alcantara J, Martingano S, Keeler V, Schuster L, Ohm J. Resolution of breech presentations following adjustment of subluxations utilizing the webster technique: a case series. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health – Chiropr 2011; 4: 132-138.
  4. Edwards J, Alcantara J, Union A. The quality of life of pregnant patients under chiropractic care: a retrospective file review. (Abstract from 2018 ACC Research Agenda Conference) J Chiropr Educ 2018 Mar; 32(1): 50-81.
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