The information provided in this website, videos, and all comments and replies to comments/questions is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute medical, chiropractic, health, or other advice of any kind or nature. The information provided is strictly for educational purposes. The viewer should regularly consult a physician and/or their primary health care provider in matters relating to their health.

Get What You Need by Elmira Family Chiropractic

Get What You Need

The other week my neck was not happy. I had been processing a sore throat and September had been a stressful month and then my upper neck started getting sore.

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The Sugar Crisis by Elmira Family Chiropractic

The Sugar Crisis

Our brains are wired to crave sugar because it is a quick form of energy that our brain and body can easily use to help us go about our day.

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The Highlight Reel by Elmira Family Chiropractic

The Highlight Reel

I once held the belief that my role models just sailed through life never encountering the same obstacles I had to face. I put them on a pedestal and thought

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Get What You Need by Elmira Family Chiropractic

Get What You Need

The other week my neck was not happy. I had been processing a sore throat and September had been a stressful month and then my upper neck started getting sore.

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The Sugar Crisis by Elmira Family Chiropractic

The Sugar Crisis

Our brains are wired to crave sugar because it is a quick form of energy that our brain and body can easily use to help us go about our day.

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The Highlight Reel by Elmira Family Chiropractic

The Highlight Reel

I once held the belief that my role models just sailed through life never encountering the same obstacles I had to face. I put them on a pedestal and thought

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Get What You Need
The Sugar Crisis
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