Get What You Need

Get What You Need by Elmira Family Chiropractic

The other week my neck was not happy. I had been processing a sore throat and September had been a stressful month and then my upper neck started getting sore. This was followed by headaches and then one day I could not turn my head left or right more then 10 degrees. I was in a lot of pain. Now you are probably thinking, how can this happen, you are a chiropractor!? Well, we are people to 😊. Anyhow, I was getting checked and adjusted 2x day, I had a massage and it all seemed to help but then it I would seize up again.

Now being a chiropractor myself, I thought I knew where the problem was and I decided to tell my chiropractor, Dr. Sarah, where to adjust me…She begrudgingly obliged, but let’s just say I was not met with the results I wanted. So, I decided to submit and let her do what she does best. And guess what, it worked much better! I started getting better and my range of motion and pain started improving day after day. 

Then one day, a wise Chiropractor was in the office for a check-up and I asked him to check me to. He analysed my nervous system and then adjusted my TMJ and pelvis, and did not even touch my neck. I sat up light headed and feeling better and he looked at me and said, “This is a metaphor for life. The problem is not often where we think it is. We think we know what the solution should be, but it is usually not at all what we think.”

Well, he hit the nail on the head! We often think we know what we need to fix the problem, but by getting quiet and being open to the solutions God has in store for us, we get what we need. The Rolling Stones said it best: 

“You can’t always get what you want, 

but if you try sometimes, 

you just might find, 

you get what you need!”

So next time you are in the office and point to where it hurts, don’t be surprised if we don’t make an adjustment there. Pain might* indicate a problem, but does not tell us where that problem actually is. Just like the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, it is not what we see or feel on the surface, but what is below the water that could be the big problem. 

Hope this gives you something to think about and when (not if) things don’t go as planned today, have faith to know that you will get what you need!

Dr. Thom

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