Nervous System

What You Probably Don't Know About the Most Important Structure in Your Body - Spinal Anatomy 101 by Elmira Family Chiropractic

What You Probably Don’t Know About the Most Important Structure in Your Body…Spinal Anatomy 101

Every time you are in our office we are checking the function of your spine and nervous system. The nervous system is the master control system of the body that controls all function including respiration, digestion, elimination, immune function, growth, motor control and so much more. Chiropractic’s goal is to remove neurological interference to maximize […]

What You Probably Don’t Know About the Most Important Structure in Your Body…Spinal Anatomy 101 Continue Reading

Numbness and Tingling in Your Arms - Do You Know About This Common Condition? by Elmira Family Chiropractic

Numbness and Tingling in your Arms – Do you know about this common condition?

Do you get numbness and tingling in your shoulders, your arms or your hands? Or do you know someone who does? You may not know that this can be caused by something called cervical radiculopathy. Cervical radiculopathy is an umbrella term for pain, numbness, tingling or irritation of the nerves that come out from the

Numbness and Tingling in your Arms – Do you know about this common condition? Continue Reading

Should You Wake Your Child Every 20 Minutes After a Concussion? by Elmira Family Chiropractic

Should You Wake Your Child Every 20 Minutes After a Concussion?

Myth: Wake a concussed child every 20 minutes post concussion. Fact: There was a time when it was considered life threatening to let someone fall asleep after suffering from a concussion. But current research shows that sleep is actually the best thing following a concussion. Physical and mental rest is crucial for recovery and although

Should You Wake Your Child Every 20 Minutes After a Concussion? Continue Reading

How Your Gut Controls Your Brain by Elmira Family Chiropractic

How your Gut Controls your Brain

Do you have gut instincts or have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous? Have you ever felt like your stomach is cramping when trying to make an important decision or you became nauseous when something just didn’t feel right? This is because your nervous system and digestive system have a huge

How your Gut Controls your Brain Continue Reading

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