General Health

Get What You Need by Elmira Family Chiropractic

Get What You Need

The other week my neck was not happy. I had been processing a sore throat and September had been a stressful month and then my upper neck started getting sore. This was followed by headaches and then one day I could not turn my head left or right more then 10 degrees. I was in

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The Sugar Crisis by Elmira Family Chiropractic

The Sugar Crisis

Our brains are wired to crave sugar because it is a quick form of energy that our brain and body can easily use to help us go about our day. From bread, to chocolate, to pies, to cookies, to ketchup, to cereal, to juice, to pop, the list is endless where sugar is an added

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WHAT SHOES SHOULD I WEAR? by Elmira Family Chiropractic

What shoes should I wear?

There’s no hiding the fact that back pain can (and is) a debilitating and ongoing issue for many people. But have you ever taken a step back and thought about the impact that your choice of shoes are having on your spine?  From a biomechanical and Chiropractic point of view, your footwear choices have a huge impact

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